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您现在的位置:东莞市长安富欣橡胶制品厂 > 公司介绍 |
PHUSHING︱香港富兴实业有限公司 Cngeyen︱东莞市长安富欣橡胶制品厂 富欣公司是一家橡胶制品专业生产厂家。由台湾的橡胶技术工程师执掌技术 , 多年来致力于新产品的开发和配方研究,凭借丰富的生产经验及雄厚的技术力量,用心制造优质的橡胶产品。 公司产品的主要种类 : 各类密封件 , 异型件 , 胶管 , 粘金属及塑胶件 , 背胶纸产品等 . 产品的主要性能:耐油 , 耐热 , 耐寒 , 耐老化 , 防水 , 耐蒸汽 , 耐无机、有机溶剂 , 耐酸、碱腐蚀 , 减震 , 耐磨 , 阻燃 , 导电 , 绝缘 , 发泡 , 等 . 产品涉及的主要行业 : 汽车工业 , 家电产品 , 通讯、 IT 行业 , 文化、体育用品 , 医疗、健身用品 , 玩具、儿童用品 , 家庭用品 , 装饰品等 。 产品所使用的橡胶材料 : 氟橡胶 , 硅橡胶 , 氯丁橡胶 , 三元乙丙橡胶 , 丁晴橡胶 , 羧基丁晴橡胶 , 氢化丁晴橡胶 , 天然橡胶 , 异戊橡胶 , 顺丁橡胶 , 丁苯橡胶 , 丁基橡胶 , 氯醇橡胶 , 氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶 , 聚胺酯橡胶等 。 公司具有自主制造橡胶产品模具之能力 , 可以代客研发设计模具 . 凭借专业的技术人员加上精良的电脑化加工机械 , 协助客户制造出满意的模具用于配套生产 。 产品除销售中国大陆和香港外 , 并遍及欧洲、美国、日本、东南亚、台湾等地 . PHUSHING RUBBER is a professional rubber parts manufacturer which the director of the board had been in Taiwan for his study in rubber industry, is always absorbed in new products development and formula research. The company abounds with manufacturing experience and high technology to produce high quality rubber products. Main kinds of product: Different sealing fittings, Parts with complicated shapes, Tubes, Parts combined with metal or plastic, Parts with adhesive paper, etc,… Applied properties: Oil resistance, Heat resistance, Low temperature application, Ageing resistance, Water proof, Steam proof, Resistance against inorganic and organic solvents, Resistance against acid and alkaline solvents, Shock absorbing, Abrasion resistance, Anti-flaming, Conductive application, Insulation application, Foaming , etc,… Applied Sectors: Automobile parts, Electronics, Household electrical, Telecommunication and IT apparatus, Culture and sports articles, Medical appliance, Body-building apparatus, Toys, Baby & child's articles, Domestic appliance, Kitchen appliance and All kinds of sealing fittings, etc,… Material used: Viton, Silicone, Neoprene, EPDM, NBR, XNBR, HNBR, NR, IR, BR, SBR, IIR, ECO, ACM, PU, etc,… Mould tooling capacity: We can offer a mould design and mould tooling by our professional technicians and excellent tooling machines including CNC and EDM to satisfy the needs of our customers. All the products sold around Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, as well as Europe, USA, Japan, Southeast Asia and Taiwan, etc,…
TEL:86-769-85444480 FAX:86-769-85449944 http://www.cngeyen.com︱E-mail:geyen@cngeyen.com H.K office:九龙弥敦道208-212号四海大厦10楼1001室 China factories:东莞市长安镇沙头正大路︱ 东莞市大岭山镇月山工业区
商铺网址:http://geyen.cn.vooec.com |